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Ship Handling 2 dage eller Ship Handling Refresher 1 dag (vælg version ved tilmelding)

Dato og tid

Mandag d. 17. marts 2025 kl. 10:00 til tirsdag d. 18. marts 2025 kl. 15:30


Mandag d. 10. marts 2025 kl. 09:00


SIMAC - A.P Møllersvej, A.P. Møllersvej 37, 5700 Svendborg SIMAC - A.P Møllersvej
A.P. Møllersvej 37
5700 Svendborg

Ship Handling 2 dage eller Ship Handling Refresher 1 dag (vælg version ved tilmelding)



SIMAC kører Ship Handling Basic og Ship Handling Refresher sideløbende. Når du har trykket "start tilmelding" vælger du den ønskede version i rullemenuen.

Ship Handling Basic (SH) 2 dage afholdes på SIMAC, AP Møllersvej). 

Link til kursusbeskrivelse:




Kursuspris SH Basic 2 dages: 8905- DKK eks. moms 

SH Refresher: 1 dag på SIMAC , AP Møllersvej 37 (Ligger altid på dag 2.).

Link til Kursusbeskrivelse:




Kopi af nuværende SH-certifikat skal scannes til sikkermail@simac.dk senest 1 uge inden kursusstart.

Kursuspris SH Refresher (1 dag)  5022,- DKK ,- eks moms. 

Du vælger kursusversion i rullemenuen, når du har trykket "start tilmelding".


Referencer: STCW incl. Manila Amendments A-II/1

På tilstedeværelseskurserne serveres frokost og kaffe i kantinen.

Efter kurset bliver certifikatet udstedt elektronisk vi IDSURE.IO



SIMAC runs Ship Handling Basic and Ship Handling Refresher concurrently. Once you click "start registration," you can choose the desired version from the dropdown menu.

Ship Handling Basic (SH) – 2 days, held at SIMAC, AP Møllersvej 37.

Shiphandling Basic
Purpose and Course Content:

The purpose of the course is to train navigators in fundamental ship maneuvering techniques using vessels equipped with fixed pitch propellers, controllable pitch propellers (CPP), and twin-screw systems. The course addresses both controllable and uncontrollable forces in various scenarios and environments.

The course may include the following topics (which can be tailored to customer-specific needs):

Theoretical Overview:

  • Maneuvering strategies and options
  • Stopping distance
  • Williamson Turn
  • Constant rate of turn techniques
  • Use of thrusters
  • Rudders: types and effects
  • Propellers: types, effects, braking force, twin-screw vessels
  • Harbor maneuvering with propellers and multiple rudders
  • Bank effect
  • Overtaking
  • Meeting other vessels, including ship-to-ship interaction effects
  • Navigation under varying weather conditions, including wind, current, and wave effects
  • General anchoring and two-anchor operations during stern berthing
  • Instrument navigation in restricted visibility and nighttime operations
  • Use of tugboats and escort towing
  • Squat effect
  • Under Keel Clearance
  • Pivot point
  • Hydrodynamics

Practical Exercises Supporting the Above Theory:

  • Harbor maneuvering with different types of ships and equipment
  • Harbor maneuvering with twin-screw systems and rudders
  • Harbor maneuvering with the assistance of tugboats
  • Navigation and approaches under various weather conditions (wind, current, and waves)
  • Navigation under hydrodynamic effects such as bank effect
  • Navigation and approaches using escort towing
  • Anchoring operations
  • Squat effect and overtaking other vessels
  • Ship maneuvering with both fixed pitch and variable pitch propellers.

Admission requirements/target group:

Course price for SH Basic (2 days): 8,905 DKK excluding VAT.

SH Refresher – 1 day at SIMAC, AP Møllersvej 37 (always held on day 2).

Admission requirements/target group:

A copy of the current SH certificate must be scanned and sent to sikkermail@simac.dk no later than 1 week before the course starts.

Course price for SH Refresher (1 day): 5,022 DKK excluding VAT.

You select the course version from the dropdown menu after clicking "start registration."

References: STCW including Manila Amendments A-II/1.

Lunch and coffee will be served in the canteen during in-person courses.

After the course, the certificate will be issued electronically via IDSURE.IO.

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Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Tlf: +45 7221 5560

Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Tlf: +45 7221 5560